Wild and Wonderful Precision Inspections

Pre Purchase for New Home Buyers and Real Estate Inspection

Welcome to our Pre-Purchase for New Home Buyers and Real Estate Inspection Service! If you're thinking about buying a new home in Parkersburg, West Virginia, you're in the right place. We know that buying a new home can be kind of stressful and confusing, so we're here to make it easier with our top-notch pre-purchase and real estate inspection services.

Here's the deal: Before you commit to buying a new home, it's super important to check it out really well. That's where we come in. Our team of experts is trained and experienced, and they're here to make sure the home you're considering doesn't have any big problems that could cost you money later.

Our pre-purchase and real estate inspection services cover a bunch of stuff, like checking the structure, foundation, roof, and electrical system of the home. We also look at all the important appliances, like heating and cooling systems, water heaters, ovens, and refrigerators. We don't forget about the plumbing – we inspect the water pipes, drains, and toilets too. We even check out the outside, like the walls, windows, and doors, and make sure the fire safety systems are good to go. Plus, we're on the lookout for pests, mold, and any other issues.

After we're done, we give you a full report that talks about any problems we found and what you should do about them. We use the latest technology and methods to make sure our inspections are as thorough and accurate as possible.

We believe that when you know what you're getting into, you'll be a happier buyer. That's why we work hard to give you the most detailed and accurate inspection services in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Whether you're buying a new home or thinking about an investment property, we're here to help. Just get in touch with us, and we'll tell you more about our pre-purchase and real estate inspection services.

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